Night Owl 12
Night Owl (NOPV-12)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO
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File List
313 lines
1CAT.ZIP 345984 01-23-94 Wholesale Pet Supply catalog... hmmm
AH1004.ZIP 10057 10-05-93 Area Code Helper v1.004 1/1.
AIDRIVE.ZIP 69025 11-30-93 ▒▓█ Aritificial Intelligent Driving █▓▒
| Randomly plots out a driving story.
| FREE*BUT*WARE « Interesting and FREE*
AM2132.ZIP 299347 03-04-94 AutoMessage 2.01 32-Column! Graphical message
| system. 4 fonts, Quickshow feature, blinking,
| underline, & double-sized text, titles, seven
| intermission effects, on-screen instructions,
| an easy to use graphical interface, and more.
| Just takes about 5 minutes to learn to use.
ARES1A.ZIP 60501 01-01-94 Ares is a hypertext authoring system,
| distributed by UserWare, the makers of Dart
| and Iris. Ares features a very simple
| interface, like that used by most hypertext
| help systems. The Ares runtime is only 32k,
| but an Ares hypertext can be any length. 25
| Monochrome or color display. Network ready.
ASPBBS42.ZIP 100058 02-28-94 ASP BBS MEMBERSHIP LISTING - 2.28.94
ASPDAT42.ZIP 126059 03-03-94 ASP MEMBERSHIP DATA v42 ASP - 2.27.94
BILLTSR.ZIP 9911 12-17-93 BILL - is a TSR screen-saver that
| offers a prankster Christmas message
BIOSEQ12.ZIP 72742 02-27-94 Bio Sequence Utilities VGA Biorythms. v1.2
BTNTAP30.ZIP 69120 04-13-94 BTNtape v3.0 - SCSI tape drive handler for
| use w/TAR
BUST074.ZIP 159293 06-06-94 NAG-BUSTER v.074ß Copyright (c)
| 1992-1994 PC ONLINE and Erik Famm.
| bypasses introductory screens of
| DOS and Windows shareware programs.
CATIND3L.ZIP 72823 12-05-93 Quick-look index, based on the ASP Catalog
| uploaded by Catalog Editor Rob Rosenberger.
| Has text files containing one-line entries
| for each of the 1214 products, with product
| name, ver number, release date, and author.
| Contains three sorted lists: ASPPROD.LST (by
| product name), ASPDATE.LST (by release date),
| and ASPAUTH.LST (by author, then product). A
| list of the 539 authors are in COMPANY.LST.
| Data is valid as of 12/01/93.
CLINTON2.ZIP 49832 11-27-93 CLINTON - Backwards running clock in
| honor of the Clinton Administration.
| Displays the correct time except that
| the display runs counter-clockwise. Has
| optional hourly beep, political
| commentary, digital readout, alarm,
| user-configurable color. All or any
| combination can be chosen from the
| command line. Requires VGA and displays
| best on a 386 or better.
CLK231.ZIP 29841 12-27-93 FE: CLOCK 2.31: Ram resident clock program to
| display the time and date
CRACKDOW.ZIP 295198 03-11-94 Electronic edition of "Hacker Crackdown" book
CREDITCD.ZIP 11321 12-04-93 CreditCD v1.0: small util that will check to
| see if the credit card number you enter is a
| valid number; 12/04/93; John R De Palma.
CROATIAN.ZIP 297340 10-15-93 Word Translator Croatian Edition - is a
| pop-up English-Croatian-English
| translator and dictionary.
CRYSB34.ZIP 171078 01-13-94 CRYSTAL BALL v3.4. Thomas A. Easton and
| Rosemary West (ASP). Welcome to the world of
| this tongue-in-cheek psychic computer!
CSJ3F.ZIP 125350 12-15-93 C A N S Sports Journal v3F ASP REQUIRES C A N
| S v1.5 or better. A database of complete
| sports 1994(?) schedules for major league
| baseball, football, hockey and basketball
CWV103.ZIP 96127 03-13-94 Clock Werks V1.03 Concurrently Display Time
| of Cities Around World Using True Clock
| Appearance Display. Up to 50 Clocks For Each
| Activation. Hundreds of Clocks by Multiple
| Activations. Analog, Digital or User-Created
| Bitmap Clock Styles. More Than 100 Cities.
DABUCS10.ZIP 51129 02-02-94 DA BUCS v1.0 - History of Tampa Bay Football
| Menu driven database of information and
| statistics. Histories of the NFL Buccaneers,
| Shareware Version, registration is only $6.
DANISH.ZIP 243832 10-15-93 Word Translator Danish Edition - is a
| pop-up English-Danish-English
| translator and dictionary.
DEFENSE1.ZIP 5738 12-04-93 ┌─────────────────────────────┐
| │ ╔═════════════════════════╗ │
| │ ║ Self Defense At Work! ║ │
| │ ╚═════════════════════════╝ │
| │The text files in this ZIP │
| │are part of a collection I am│
| │currently working on to help │
| │employers and employees alike│
| │improve their working skills.│
| └─────────────────────────────┘
DEMENTO.ZIP 12858 03-09-94 Latest (3-94) schedules for THE DOCTOR
| DEMENTO SHOW including the Dr-D FAQ from the
| Internet newsgroup.
DIZDIR15.ZIP 34658 03-12-94 DIZDIR Version 1.5 (c) 1994 GDSOFT.
| Creates file lists using FILE_ID.DIZ or
| SDI,DES contained in archives on any
| directory on your system. For ARJ ZIP ARC LZH
DWRK11J.ZIP 178028 02-17-94 Demo Workshop v1.1j - Demo/Tutorial Maker
| from DOS programs - Cut, edit, resequence
| Special effects. Output is .EXE <ASP> share.
ENERGY20.ZIP 264353 01-17-94 With Energy Cost 2.0 you can quickly identify
| the cost of changing one lighting system to
| another. Built-in calculator. Peak/off-peak.
| Ampere averaging screen to calculate for
| rapidly changing loads. Shareware ($69)
| from Electrical Design Software.
GERMN_NK.ZIP 284861 10-15-93 Word Translator German Edition - is a
| pop-up English-German-English
| translator and dictionary.
GREEKM.ZIP 232343 09-17-93 SVGA Greek Speaking Music Box 3.5
| (Dave Culbertson; $5) displays
| full-screen graphics in .GIF format
| while playing a variaty of popular
| Greek songs. Announces the title and
| composer of the song and then plays
| it untill all songs in a directory are
| played. It can display up to 99 .GIF
| pictures in the same directory.
| Requires a sound blaster and 512K VGA
| video card or greater.
HAPLINK3.ZIP 103574 02-03-94 Haplink V 3, Make Hypertext or Program menus
| Create smart documents. For Mouse. Edit text
| Pop up boxes /Color wash/ Dissolve effects
HIDIMG19.ZIP 305890 02-11-94 Random dot image generator which has more
| display options than just having "Random
| Dots".
IDIOM94.ZIP 13200 03-05-94 Idioms and expressions in English/Portugues/
| Spanish, by Rui Duarte Barros
INIMT30K.ZIP 639611 04-13-94 IniMaint and SysMaint V3.0k.
JPL9401.ZIP 177305 01-02-94 JPLCLOCK Version 9401. Written at the request
| of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory for use
| in the Multimission Computer Control Center,
| where it is projected on a large screen 24
| hours per day. Shareware. $10 register
LPSDAY10.ZIP 35281 02-13-94 JDAY1.0 contains LAPSEDAY V1.0
| which will calculate elapsed days or compute
| the Julian Day from the Gregorian date.
M10.ZIP 117859 01-31-94 M version 1.0 - an emacs style editor
| infinite undo/redo grepping diffing filefind
| huge files, hundreds of files, virtual memory
| everything you want in an editor and more!
MARS10.ZIP 3355 02-19-94 Impressive real-time Mars landscape program.
| Uses ray casting for speed. Requires a 386 or
| above.
MAYAN37.ZIP 163037 02-10-94 MAYAN CALENDAR v3.7. converts ancient Mayan
| dates to modern calendar and vice versa.
| Includes brief history of Mayan calandar.
MB1606.ZIP 464988 11-16-93 Mail Box V16.6 general release by W0RLI
MCLOCK12.ZIP 138809 09-06-93 MESSAGE CLOCK v1.2 ASP Put YOUR message on
| the bottom of a full- screen, day/month/date
| digital clock. You set screen colors, and
| font for your message. Can lock keyboard
MEMACS32.ZIP 525155 03-20-94 MicroEmacs v3.12 with mouse support
| Postscript docs, foreign language source, etc
MH.ZIP 26691 09-14-93 MiniHelp Tom Campbell; $0 is a
| preprocessor for the Microsoft Help
| Compiler. It lets you create help topic
| files using a simple language. It sports
| topics, titles, keywords, hypertext
| links, comments, font sizing, and not
| much else.
MSYSUSR.ZIP 19958 12-04-93 MSYS ver 1.16 USER MANUAL
NDW_HELP.ZIP 75575 09-21-93 NDW Help Update from Symantec BBS
| Download as DESKEDIT.HLP and replace the
| file, with the same name, currently in
| your NDW directory. The HELP file orig-
| inally shipped with NDW 2.2 has some bad
| index entries.
NEWSDB10.ZIP 233777 10-10-93 The NewsDB - allows the user to create
| complex hypertext databases from
| Internet Usenet articles. It features
| automatic newsgroups references
| creation, automatic author directories
| and references and a UNIX to PC
| translation program. Requires a PC
| capable of running DPMI programs and
| The Help Development Kit V9.5 or newer.
PAGAND10.ZIP 90511 01-07-94 The Pagan Daybook for DOS 1.0a The Pagan
| Daybook is a calendar which will display the
| current pagan festivals, the time and tides
| and other arcane lore. It's colourful, fun!
PHONE2.ZIP 68184 10-04-93 Vanity Phone Number Generator Generate vanity
| numbers like 249-GOOD You enter phone number
| and specify if you wish to include area code,
| exchange,last 4 digits, whole number, any
| combination. Can print hard copy as well.
| Registration only $1 ! Dir 20
PHONEM20.ZIP 35205 02-21-94 PHONEMONICS v2.0 - Converts phone numbers
| into 'phonemonics', or mnemonic devices that
| allow them to be easily remembered. For
| example, if your phone number is 642-3489,
| you can tell people to dial NICEGUY! $5 reg
PINST143.ZIP 270527 12-22-93 POWERINSTALL v1.43 Excellent 8 language
| installation tool. Eng/Fr/Sp/Gr/It/Sw/Du/Nor
POPOUT11.ZIP 130282 02-06-94 Popout V1.10 - Popout Generates Random Dot
| Stereogram (Rds) Image From Drawings That You
| Create.
PORTU.ZIP 142199 10-15-93 Word Translator Portuguese Edition - is a
| pop-up English-Portuguese-English
| translator and dictionary.
QNET10.ZIP 608716 10-09-93 Neural net developer trial version.
RAINIER.ZIP 252923 09-28-93 MT. RAINIER-FIRE MOUNTAIN Mount Rainier is
| giving off steam, and fumaroles are eroding
| her sum- mit. She IS gonna blow again! The
| question is WHEN? And, exactly how violently?
| A fascinating look at Mount Rainier, WA!
RMENU10.ZIP 25809 09-16-93 EASY to setup turnkey system V1.0. Simple to
| use but consumes about 64k conventional RAM
SATURN34.ZIP 338919 01-14-94 SATURN V3.4 REQUIRES 80286 CPU or better
| Artificial intelligence data storage and
| retrieval system. Supplied with encyclopedia
| data and uses plain english commnads and menu
SHOW42A.ZIP 368706 02-01-94 *** DATASHOW V. 4.2A, Feb. 1. 1994: ***
| ShareWare Multimedia Program, in which
| You can make Beautiful Presentations,
| Slide Shows, Demo Programs, (School)Tu-
| torials. Both text and graphic modes.
| PCX/GIF/FLI files, WAV/VOC Sounds. MORE!!!
SIMDOC21.ZIP 144390 10-29-93 Simply Docs 2.1<ASP> Convert ASCII text files
| into EXE/TSR format. Turn README into RUNME!
| Use it for program manuals, electronic books,
| catalogs, newsletters, etc. Features easy to
| use viewer, search function, handles extended
| characters and color, auto scrolling, custom
| colors, bookmarks, hypertext jumps, print a
| range of pages, print on ANY printer, margins
| swap to EMS/Disk, 43/50 line mode. Shareware
| by Robert Pitcher. Special Sysop offer inside
SLY13CA.ZIP 119574 12-10-93 SURVEY LAND YOURSELF ver 1.39 - ($10 to $100)
| You can survey it yourself, quickly,
| easily, & inexpensively. Get 98% of the
| information with 2% of the effort. You can
| find lost corners and lines, calculate
| acreage, & write land descriptions. You can
| establish test plots, subdivide property,
| layout building foundations & landscapes &
| gaming fields, hide & recover buried
SLY13CB.ZIP 132626 12-10-93 SURVEY LAND YOURSELF ver 1.39 - ($10 to $100)
| You can survey it yourself, quickly,
| easily, & inexpensively. Get 98% of the
| information with 2% of the effort. You can
| find lost corners and lines, calculate
| acreage, & write land descriptions. You can
| establish test plots, subdivide property,
| layout building foundations & landscapes &
| gaming fields, hide & recover buried
| treasure, or even map a cave. No magic.
SMENU20.ZIP 43399 09-17-93 Professional turnkey system (Servmenu V2.0).
| Does not use resident memory but has very
| complicated batch files which control it.
SPANISH.ZIP 201324 10-15-93 Word Translator Spanish Edition - is a
| pop-up English-Spanish-English
| translator and dictionary.
SQAV178E.ZIP 80321 04-02-94 SqaVerw 1.78 english version of an excellent
| Areafix for the Squishmailbase 32-bit
SS108.ZIP 317703 03-31-94 Solitaire Suite v1.08 7 classic card games
| in one package. Excellent. by Randy Rasa
| Requires EGA/VGA
STREEV15.ZIP 40616 12-11-93 Screen Tree v1.5: Alternative to
| printing large business reports. For
| Info-Sys shops that desire to cut down
| on their paper use. The Screen Tree
| process is easy & reliable. For IBM &
| compatibles monitors from Mono-VGA
| Utility Alternative To Paper Noprint.
SVINST.ZIP 213529 09-21-93 SVInstal 2.1 (Rob Stevens, $42)
| installs program and data files from a
| distribution floppy to a hard drive.
TEXICON.ZIP 6586 03-08-94 A collection of icons for TeX and LaTeX
TYPEIT12.ZIP 36835 09-04-93 TYPE-IT converts your computer into a type-
| writer. Print text to your printer letter by
| letter,line by line,or page by page. TYPE-IT
| is NOT a word processor,and its features are
| few and simple. Ideal for quick notes & memos
VEHICLE.ZIP 46728 02-24-94 Vehicle Designer 2.0: Engineer your own
| vehicle. Supports either land or all-terrain
| vehicles. Enter the basic criteria, and the
| program will compute all the details.
| From Engineer's Shareware.
VH15.ZIP 79429 10-19-93 Freeware Hypertext browser, designed to work
| with The Jargon File, but usable with any
| text file that is marked with easy-to-use
| control characters. Contains portable C
| source code, and MS-DOS executable. Will
| use mouse, but mouse is not necessary.
VIETNAM.ZIP 167347 10-20-93 Viet Nam (Hue) Culture - is a program
| containing historical maps and
| information about ancient Vietnamese
| culture.
VISION75.ZIP 359895 11-19-93 Vision v7.5 hypertext reader
VL940114.ZIP 200439 01-17-94 VendorList - v94.01.14. List of about 3900
| hardware and/or software vendors. Includes
| name, address, sales support, tech support,
| bbs and fax phone numbers, if known.
VNDINF10.ZIP 64277 02-28-94 VENDINFO File-Format and Tools Standard
| v1.00. ASP Contains VENDINFO.DIZ file
| specification and associated documentation.
X10EC102.ZIP 278443 01-01-94 X10EC v1.02 - X10 Event Control - Event
| Scheduler for the X-10 CP290 Controller Point
| & Click DOS character interface. From the
| author of X10DC. Supports X10 DAT file format
X10XA2.ZIP 152885 01-15-94 XA - X10 COMMAND INTERPRETER - VERSION 2.1
| Send X10 commands/events to CP-290 directly
| from DOS prompt, batch file, or script file.
| Supports all COM ports (IRQ's not required).
| Includes DEMO program for new users.
| Features: POWERFAIL RECOVERY , MORE dir 56
XF45.ZIP 29197 11-22-93 Crossfire update to work with pdoxwin 4.5.
XTRAQTE.ZIP 199143 09-07-93 Approximately 4800 Quotes For Quote O'
| The Day.
ZIPCODE.ZIP 261420 09-02-93 Find out what part of the country/zipcode